Fresh off the train: Greeting me and my wife at Sacramento Valley Amtrak Station.
Welcome to our home | Meeting my neighbor Edward, a Vietnam Vet, with his dog Buddy.
American breakfast | Asian leftover snacks from the train.
Making himself comfortable.
Meeting Robin | Gary's hat and walking cane.
Checking out my work place.
Lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant. Gary told me, "Pho is heaven." | So is napping, I say.
Meeting one of my dentists while I pick up my son from an appointment.
Enjoying an authentic Vietnamese meal with my wife, her mom ...
... and me.
Chilling in backyard ...
... and then trying out the Vietnamese-style beef and shrimp rolls.
Morning chat.
Breakfast with "banh mi" and "banh cuon" at a local Vietnamese sandwich shop.
And hang out at ...
... Sacramento's Little Saigon district.
Am I dreaming? Is this real life?
Strolling California State Capitol Park, downtown Sacramento.
Time to rest ...
... while visiting the California Vietnam Veterans Memorial in downtown Sacramento.
Drive through Old Sacramento Historic District.
Seafood for dinner ...
... and sweet goodies afterward.
Chatting with a singer from an oldie band.
A Vietnam (Air Force) Vet came out of nowhere shaking hands and says hi. Some strangers stopped to say hello and thank you.
Their dad/uncle is also a Vietnam (Navy) Vet.
Sharing life lessons with Robin ...
... and Sam during a breakfast.
Lunch in San Jose.
Vietnam Town, San Jose.
Stopover at Treasure Island, San Francisco Bay ...
... where he was discharged from the Navy 52 years ago, in 1965.
Keep in touch with his daughters and their families while taking a break at a hotel lobby in San Francisco.
Enjoying a warm chowder in sourdough bread bowl.
Back to Sacramento for another bowl of pho ...
... while meeting with a former South Vietnamese bomber pilot and flight instructor.
Pause for a group photo ...
... then the conversation about Vietnam continued into the evening.
We were so glad to meet again.
Gary's visit photos.
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